





Technology is everywhere.

Individuals use technology daily to help them complete tasks and make their lives easier. That same technology is being used to help increase the quality of life and self-sufficiency of those living with disabilities.

Technology is NOT an absence of supervision, but a way to extend the reach of caregivers. Technology solutions allow case managers to coordinate with family, natural supports, and service providers to achieve more effective and efficient support plans. Not every option is right for every person served—there is seldom a one-size-fits-all solution—but technology can be customized and augmented to fit individual needs.

As a hub of information, the Technology Resource Center serves as a guide to implement technology solutions—it all starts with a conversation.

Begin the process to:

  • Find out what technology is available
  • Learn which technology supports will work best
  • View success stories that can be shared with persons served and their family members
  • Learn more about state funding and regulations

The Conversation

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The conversation is a collaboration with case managers, persons served and advocates, and providers to explore how using technology can increase independence and safety of the individual supported.

Start the conversation

The Planning

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Learn about best practices and frequently asked questions for plan development. This planning guide may be used to avoid common pitfalls and set realistic timelines.

Begin planning

The Funding

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Find out what funding is available for persons served and how they can qualify. All of the forms needed for submission and approval may be found in the technology Resource Library.


Seek funding

The Implementation

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Learn about the installation process from start to finish to know what to expect and how to work with providers and recipients on technology setup and use.

Implement technology

The Measurement

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Measure how well the solution is working. Find out what key indicators should be reviewed to decide if adjustments are needed or if the current solution can be expanded to achieve greater reach.

Measure success