





  The Conversation

The conversation is a collaboration between providers, case managers, families, and individuals to explore how using technology can increase independence and safety of the individual supported.

Not only does the addition of technology supports provide increased independence for those receiving care, but is also beneficial (and will become necessary in the future) in optimizing staff resources by extending care worker reach. Through technology implementation, the level of care provided is maintained, or possibly improved, while managing limited staff resources.

Keys to a successful conversation

Know your audience

  • What do you already know about the person and how this will appeal to them?
  • What does the person want? Is this different than what the team wants?
  • What is their “techy” knowledge and ability?
  • What areas of the person’s life do they strive to be more independent in?
  • What community preferences do they have–what is important to them?

Start with the person not the technology

  • Do they want to move to or remain in their own home?
  • How can technology help meet needs previously handled solely by direct care staff, and what does the transition look like?
  • What are caregivers currently doing that may be supplemented by technology?

Be honest about limitations and risk

  • What will the technology do versus what will it not do?
  • What are the chances of a system going down?
  • How quick are the response times?
  • What happens in emergency situations?
  • What concerns and fears does the person(s) and/or caregiver(s) have regarding the use of technology as a support option?

Conversation Starters

While state legislation requires providers to hold conversations regarding technology, it is essential to remember that each conversation is guided by the unique conditions surrounding each individual and their care team. The ultimate goal is to have an open, person-centered discussion surrounding potential technology uses that provide better access and more independence. Solutions may be used to either enhance or reduce the services people are currently receiving, or be used in conjunction with existing services.

Many service providers and technology service vendors employ “assessment” tools to begin and guide conversations. Using questions such as those above and others refined to align with their specific conversation needs, they are able to more finely tune outcomes and recommend options. Though not required by regulators, these tools may act as useful guides when beginning the conversation phase. View examples of assessments.

Next Steps

If you have additional question about starting the conversation, ask one of our Mentors. Once initial conversations have been had with all stakeholders, the next step can begin by creating a plan tailored to the individual.

Begin planning

ARRM Technology Resource Center Mentor Program. Find a mentor to answer your questions.